5 weeks old!
Maggie is now 5 weeks old and doing great! She's started looking right into our eyes when we talk to her which pretty much makes your heart melt. She's also making alot more noises, which kind of sounds like a little kitten, but it's so cute.
Her feeding frenzy in the evenings continues. She doesn't seem to be content unless she's eating (she must turn after mom)! We've tried everything to quiet her down, but all she wants is milk!
We've been taking her out lots and everywhere we go, evernthough she's dressed in pink, people still ask if she's a boy or girl!! ARGH! What moron would wear pink on a baby boy?!!! Chad and I said that the next time someone asks, we're just going to say that we don't know yet. Ha!
Here are some pics for your enjoyment!
Maggie's a big fan of thumb sucking.
Uh-oh, Mommie sucked her thumb until she was 10!!
She's cute from her nose to her little toes...

Aren't these outfits the sweetest?!

One of Maggie's first smiles.

Wake up Maggie.

There she is!

"I can lift my head this much!"

As I've said in past posts, Maggie loves being swaddled when she's goes to bed. She sleeps for 5 hours straight, and sometimes 6 hours! Some people think it's a sin that we swaddle her so tight and believe that she's uncomfortable being wrapped up so tight. Poppy Harvey even threatened to swaddle Mommie and Daddie up when we go to NL in a couple weeks, just to show us how it feels. Well we're way ahead of you Poppy! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Sleep deprivation makes you do crazy things...
Ha Ha!! I was thinking that exact thing "sleep deprivation makes you do crazy things" and then I read the caption.
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