Little Miss Maggie


Precious sleep

Last night Maggie slept from 10-3:30 and then 4:30- 8:00!! It was great!! Although I kept waking up to see if she was okay.
She still has a feeding frenzy in the evening, but we've started to supplement one of her evening feedings with formula so that Mommie gets a break and Maggie gets some extra food! It took a little bit for Daddy to get her to take the bottle, but once she latched on, she seemed to enjoy it. I think Daddy is really liking feeding her. Mommie is able to go on to bed while Daddy feeds her and puts her to bed for the night. I think Mommie may be liking it too! ;-)
All wrapped up and ready for a nice long nap.

Do you like my pink bunny slippers?!! I do!
This is Maggie's poop face. Look at the concentration on that face.
She's even cute when she's doing that?! Ha!
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