Little Miss Maggie


Sleepy Head

We've noticed the past couple of days that Maggie seems to like to take her time getting up in the morning. She stretches and yawns and then goes back to sleep for a minute or two. She does this little routine for about 20 minutes before she decides that she's hungry and wants to be fed now!

Maggie's now 17 days old and her days are still mostly made up of sleeping and eating. Her awake time is very precious, so we try every toy and exercise in that limited time! Maybe we overstimulate her just a bit ;-)
Here she is in her little bouncy chair. She seems to enjoy just starring at the little toys. Personally I'd be a little scared with toys as big as me starring down at me!

Nanny Gosse and Poppy Harvey are coming to visit today!!!


At 4:06 p.m., Blogger Crystal, Eric, Zoe and Oliver! said...

Congrats!! Connie gave us the link and I will be checking here often. Csan't wait until you 2 venture out to yoga. Maggie is so beautiful..cherish the sleepy time, it doesn't last long!! Hope to see you 2 soon.


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