The First Week

Chad and I are so excited with our little baby girl! I can't wait to go out shopping and buy her lots of little dresses, and shoes and all sorts of pink things!
For those of you wanting to know, (don’t worry guys, I’ll keep it G rated) the labour and delivery was, well… the absolute worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life. We went to the hospital at 8:30 Monday morning and by 9:30 the doctor had broken my water, by 11:00 had the inducing drug pumping in my veins, and by 1:30 contractions were on strong. By 6:00 I was pushing, by 6:59 she was born and by 8:30 we were all cleaned up and in our own private room. No epidural – all natural (except for a bit of laughing gas that had me saying funny things between pushes, like referring to a certain stage of the delivery as the ‘Burning Ring of Fire’). However, I did ask for the epidural at one point but it was too late. Funny hey, I have to wait an extra 10 days to have the baby and then I dilate too early to get the epidural…
The first week has been an absolute blur. It was a bit rough there for a while, but I think we'll be okay. Last night Maggie only woke up twice for feedings and slept for the rest of the night. 2 hours of that sleep was on Daddy's chest, but that's okay for now ;-) She tends to wake up every time we lay her down in her bassinet. So much for the philosophy that there was no way a baby was going to sleep in the bed with us. She just seems so lonely all by herself in the bassinet.
We went out to the mall yesterday with her for the first time. It was so weird! It's amazing how cautious you become when you have a baby with you. Both Chad and I were rushing around trying to get the things we needed and felt like the music was too loud, the lights were too bright, the other people were too close, it was too cold/hot, etc. I'm sure we'll get more and more comfortable each time we go out, but for now, we're both some overly-cautious parents!
Our lives completely changed the moment precious little Maggie came into the world. Chad’s become a burper and diaper changer and I’ve become a feeding machine. The apartment is not quite as clean and tidy as it was, baby things are lying here and there, and the smell of baby lotion hits you as soon as you walk in the door. We haven’t been out in the sun for days, Chad hasn’t swam, biked or ran since she arrived, and our favourite TV shows now are not even thought about.
We’re so lucky to have been blessed with such a beautiful little baby. It's absolutely amazing how much you can love someone so much that if you let yourself dwell on it for more than 10 seconds, you cry. We’re honestly so happy and we cry happy tears at least twice a day to prove it.
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