What a busy week!
All communications were down at the Lush residence last week; the phone connection was screwed up at the box down the street which in turn caused the internet connection to stop. We did have a cell phone in case of an emergency though. Everything was fixed on Thursday and we've been back online every chance we can get!
Here are some updates from Maggie's second week:
- On Monday Maggie, Mommie and Daddie went to Aunt Connie's for her birthday party. It was fun! Xander laughed out loud for the first time!! It was hilarious. He kept doing it over and over again. He also figured out how to do a little jig in his jolly jumper.
- We figured out that you have to be careful when changing Maggie's diaper. She's liable to pee any where at any time! Sorry Nannie Vern.
- The new family had their first outing to the Carlingwood Mall. Mommie really wanted to get out and buy Maggie some pink clothes. The outing was short because Mommie didn't feel so well walking around the mall (Advice to new mom's - Don't go to the mall one week after having a baby unless you double up on the pain meds!) We did manage to get a few pink things, but Mommie's planning a much bigger shopping trip when she's feeling better.
- Maggie's second bath went much better! Mommie and Daddie decided this time to read the recommended method for bathtime explained in our "Baby Manual" which was given to us at the hospital. We also sang a few songs like 'Muffin Man' and 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' which Maggie seemed to like. The trick seems to be to sing it louder than she cries! Ha!
- Cousin Xander is getting so big! He can now sit up in his Bumbo seat all by himself. Aunt Connie and Xander have been visiting lots and bringing lots of treats for Maggie. Thanks Aunt Connie!
- This is Daddie's favourite burp position for Maggie. She just slumps over in his big hand. It's so cute! Daddie even gets up in the middle of the night to burp her. He doesn't want to miss a thing!
- This is Maggie's first toy. It's a Whozzit (don't ask). She looks like she'd like to give it a good punch in this picture, but most of the time she just stares at it.
- Nannie's Vern's 50th birthday was on Wednesday. Maggie got all dressed up for the party.
- Friday was Aunt Connie and Uncle John's wedding! It was perfect!! Aunt Connie looked beautiful. Here are some pictures from the wedding.

- We tried the carrier on Saturday and Maggie is barely big enough for it. She seemed to like it for a few minutes and then she got hungry again and wanted out!
- Maggie got her first pair of sunglasses from Aunt Connie. Thanks Aunt Connie!
- Poppy's belly is the best place for a nap.
Talk to you soon!
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