Look how big I am!
Maggie's now 3 weeks old and still seems so tiny. Her little cheeks are getting cubbier and her arms and legs are filling out a bit, but she's still only a little baby. She has put on 6 oz over her birth weight and is quite healthy according to our doctor. We were concerned that she wasn't getting enough to eat because she tends to feed for quite a long time in the evenings, but the doctor reassured us that it was very normal. It's crazy how much you worry about when you have a baby, especially when they cry.
The past few days she's been having really fussy periods in the evenings between 8:00 and 11:00. Apparently that's normal too, but you can't help but think that she's sick or too hot or too cold or hungry or overtired or gassy, etc, etc, etc. It's not easy to hear a little baby cry and not be able to calm them down. Hopefully we'll be able to figure something out to calm her. Mommie's been researching all afternoon. Ha!
Look how big I am?!

(It's amazing what you take pictures of at 3:00am...)

Here's Maggie on a quilt made by Mommie's great Aunt Nellie. It was a wedding present, and Mommie can't wait to cuddle up in it this Winter with Maggie.

Nannie Gosse and Poppy Harvey were all smiles with Maggie at Champlaine Lookout in Gatineau park this past weekend. Nanny and Poppy can't get enough of her!

What do you think of Maggie's first Mohawk?! Poppy Harvey decided to give her a new do when he brushed baby oil through her hair.

Maggie loves to fall asleep on Mommie's chest after she feeds. We know it's a bad habit to start, but Mommie just can't get enough cuddles.

We're training Maggie to be a Ninja. Hiiii-ya!

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