Little Miss Maggie


5 weeks old!

Maggie is now 5 weeks old and doing great! She's started looking right into our eyes when we talk to her which pretty much makes your heart melt. She's also making alot more noises, which kind of sounds like a little kitten, but it's so cute.
Her feeding frenzy in the evenings continues. She doesn't seem to be content unless she's eating (she must turn after mom)! We've tried everything to quiet her down, but all she wants is milk!
We've been taking her out lots and everywhere we go, evernthough she's dressed in pink, people still ask if she's a boy or girl!! ARGH! What moron would wear pink on a baby boy?!!! Chad and I said that the next time someone asks, we're just going to say that we don't know yet. Ha!
Here are some pics for your enjoyment!
Maggie's a big fan of thumb sucking.
Uh-oh, Mommie sucked her thumb until she was 10!!
Hands up!
She's cute from her nose to her little toes...
Aren't these outfits the sweetest?!
One of Maggie's first smiles.
Wake up Maggie.
2 mins later...
5 minutes later...

There she is!
"I can lift my head this much!"

As I've said in past posts, Maggie loves being swaddled when she's goes to bed. She sleeps for 5 hours straight, and sometimes 6 hours! Some people think it's a sin that we swaddle her so tight and believe that she's uncomfortable being wrapped up so tight. Poppy Harvey even threatened to swaddle Mommie and Daddie up when we go to NL in a couple weeks, just to show us how it feels. Well we're way ahead of you Poppy! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Sleep deprivation makes you do crazy things...


Precious sleep

Last night Maggie slept from 10-3:30 and then 4:30- 8:00!! It was great!! Although I kept waking up to see if she was okay.
She still has a feeding frenzy in the evening, but we've started to supplement one of her evening feedings with formula so that Mommie gets a break and Maggie gets some extra food! It took a little bit for Daddy to get her to take the bottle, but once she latched on, she seemed to enjoy it. I think Daddy is really liking feeding her. Mommie is able to go on to bed while Daddy feeds her and puts her to bed for the night. I think Mommie may be liking it too! ;-)
All wrapped up and ready for a nice long nap.

Do you like my pink bunny slippers?!! I do!
This is Maggie's poop face. Look at the concentration on that face.
She's even cute when she's doing that?! Ha!
If you'd like to drop us a line, we'd love to hear from you! Our home email is


Lazy Sunday Morning

"That was a great party at Aunt Connie's and Uncle John's last night, can't I sleep in for just a bit longer?"

Thanks to Daddy's great swaddling technique and sheer determination, Maggie's been sleeping in her crib all by herself for 3 and 4 hours at a time. It seems that if her hands are free, she'll whack herself in the face and wake herself up. So, we decided to try swaddling again so that her arms were securely pinned to her sides inside the blanket. To our delight, it worked! However, in this pic Mommie took one morning, it seems Maggie's figured out how to squirm her way out!
During the day, Maggie's becoming more content to just lay in her crib watching her mobile. It may only last for 15 minutes or so, but it's amazing what you can get done in that short amount of time (like posting new pics on the blog)!

As content as Maggie is most of the time, she still has her fussy times. Like in the evenings when she's hungry, hungry, hungry and just wants to feed nonstop. When Mommie has to have a little break, Daddy has to try to keep her amused. Poor little thing...

Nanny Gosse bought Maggie her first hoodie. Isn't it cute?!

I think Maggie was happy to see Xander and realize that there were other little people around. Xander was so excited that he almost jumped in the bouncy chair with her!!
For those of you wondering about our house (that we signed for in May of 2005), here is a pic of our lot taken this Saturday. Doesn't it seem appropriate that there is a Johnnie-on-the-spot on our lot?! ;-)
They've paved the road on which our house will be built and we've been told that they are going to start laying the foundation very soon. We'll believe it when we see it.... However, it was nice to drive on 'our' road and imagine what it's going to look like in a year from now.


Look how big I am!

Maggie's now 3 weeks old and still seems so tiny. Her little cheeks are getting cubbier and her arms and legs are filling out a bit, but she's still only a little baby. She has put on 6 oz over her birth weight and is quite healthy according to our doctor. We were concerned that she wasn't getting enough to eat because she tends to feed for quite a long time in the evenings, but the doctor reassured us that it was very normal. It's crazy how much you worry about when you have a baby, especially when they cry.
The past few days she's been having really fussy periods in the evenings between 8:00 and 11:00. Apparently that's normal too, but you can't help but think that she's sick or too hot or too cold or hungry or overtired or gassy, etc, etc, etc. It's not easy to hear a little baby cry and not be able to calm them down. Hopefully we'll be able to figure something out to calm her. Mommie's been researching all afternoon. Ha!

Look how big I am?!

(It's amazing what you take pictures of at 3:00am...)

Here's Maggie on a quilt made by Mommie's great Aunt Nellie. It was a wedding present, and Mommie can't wait to cuddle up in it this Winter with Maggie.

Nannie Gosse and Poppy Harvey were all smiles with Maggie at Champlaine Lookout in Gatineau park this past weekend. Nanny and Poppy can't get enough of her!

Even though I'm wearing a rainbow wool sweater and hat, I'm still cool. Ha!

What do you think of Maggie's first Mohawk?! Poppy Harvey decided to give her a new do when he brushed baby oil through her hair.

Maggie loves to fall asleep on Mommie's chest after she feeds. We know it's a bad habit to start, but Mommie just can't get enough cuddles.

We're training Maggie to be a Ninja. Hiiii-ya!


Sleepy Head

We've noticed the past couple of days that Maggie seems to like to take her time getting up in the morning. She stretches and yawns and then goes back to sleep for a minute or two. She does this little routine for about 20 minutes before she decides that she's hungry and wants to be fed now!

Maggie's now 17 days old and her days are still mostly made up of sleeping and eating. Her awake time is very precious, so we try every toy and exercise in that limited time! Maybe we overstimulate her just a bit ;-)
Here she is in her little bouncy chair. She seems to enjoy just starring at the little toys. Personally I'd be a little scared with toys as big as me starring down at me!

Nanny Gosse and Poppy Harvey are coming to visit today!!!


What a busy week!

All communications were down at the Lush residence last week; the phone connection was screwed up at the box down the street which in turn caused the internet connection to stop. We did have a cell phone in case of an emergency though. Everything was fixed on Thursday and we've been back online every chance we can get!

Here are some updates from Maggie's second week:

- On Monday Maggie, Mommie and Daddie went to Aunt Connie's for her birthday party. It was fun! Xander laughed out loud for the first time!! It was hilarious. He kept doing it over and over again. He also figured out how to do a little jig in his jolly jumper.

- We figured out that you have to be careful when changing Maggie's diaper. She's liable to pee any where at any time! Sorry Nannie Vern.

- The new family had their first outing to the Carlingwood Mall. Mommie really wanted to get out and buy Maggie some pink clothes. The outing was short because Mommie didn't feel so well walking around the mall (Advice to new mom's - Don't go to the mall one week after having a baby unless you double up on the pain meds!) We did manage to get a few pink things, but Mommie's planning a much bigger shopping trip when she's feeling better.

- Maggie's second bath went much better! Mommie and Daddie decided this time to read the recommended method for bathtime explained in our "Baby Manual" which was given to us at the hospital. We also sang a few songs like 'Muffin Man' and 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' which Maggie seemed to like. The trick seems to be to sing it louder than she cries! Ha!

- Cousin Xander is getting so big! He can now sit up in his Bumbo seat all by himself. Aunt Connie and Xander have been visiting lots and bringing lots of treats for Maggie. Thanks Aunt Connie!

- This is Daddie's favourite burp position for Maggie. She just slumps over in his big hand. It's so cute! Daddie even gets up in the middle of the night to burp her. He doesn't want to miss a thing!

- This is Maggie's first toy. It's a Whozzit (don't ask). She looks like she'd like to give it a good punch in this picture, but most of the time she just stares at it.

- Nannie's Vern's 50th birthday was on Wednesday. Maggie got all dressed up for the party.

- Friday was Aunt Connie and Uncle John's wedding! It was perfect!! Aunt Connie looked beautiful. Here are some pictures from the wedding.

- We tried the carrier on Saturday and Maggie is barely big enough for it. She seemed to like it for a few minutes and then she got hungry again and wanted out!

- Maggie got her first pair of sunglasses from Aunt Connie. Thanks Aunt Connie!

- Poppy's belly is the best place for a nap.

Talk to you soon!