Maggie's got a brand new baby cousin, Billie!! We can't wait to meet her! Congratulations Aunt Jeannette, Uncle Rick, and Sydney!
Maggie's first camping tripToys everywhere and they still fight over the same ball...

Mommie and Maggie-Moo

Cozy with Daddie

The family

The Daddy Patrol

10:00pm and Maggie still does not want to go to bed.

Just so you know how Maggie's first camping trip went after this, Maggie didn't fall asleep until 11:00 when I held her tightly in my arms so she couldn't crawl arount the tent. It started to pour (we're talking torrentail rain!) around midnight and didn't let up all night long. Maggie decided to wake up at 4:00am and explore every detail of mommie's and daddy's faces. At 5:30, Dad had had enough of the picky little fingers and the constant rain drop on his head and we quickly packed up most of our stuff and headed home.
I'm quite sure Maggie had a great time on her first camping trip, however Mom and Dad aren't planning on another camping trip for quite a while.
Maggie's Toys!


Walker in tent
Water Park (which broke after only 2 uses)

Who squints more?


Maggie's first Pigtails!!

Maggie loves her new bike seat!

I think Daddy likes it too!

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