Little Miss Maggie


Trip home to NL

Trip Home to NL

"This is my big cousin Sydney. She loves giving me hugs."

"Here she is after her ballet recital, she was Tinkerbell. Isn't she beautiful?!"

Kisses from Tinkerbell

"This is my big cousin Eugene. He can push me really fast! Weee!"

"Here we are"

No smiles at this dinner table ;-)

"This was Sydney's car and it's great!!"
"Here's my Aunt Jeannettie at 9 months pregnant! I wonder if my new baby cousin will be a boy or a girl?"

"My Aunt Jennifer is so funny!"

"Excuse me, this water is a bit cold"

Big 'sis' will help you

"Can I come out and play?"


"Bye Poppy Harvey!"

"Look at me! I climbed up here all by myself!"
Back in Ottawa
"It's so hot"
"What did you just say?"
Mom's little cutie-pie
The girlies playing at the beach

"Ah, time to sit back and relax"
Chad rode in the Rideau Lakes Bike Tour last weekend. It was a tour to Kingston and back, 180kms each way!!

"We've been waiting quite a while mom, where is Uncle Chad?!"There he is!"Happy Father's Day Daddy. I know you've got 30km left to go, but I was thinking that maybe you could come home and play with me now. "


At 5:39 a.m., Blogger Marcy said...

Miss Maggie you are SOOOOOOOO adorable! I completely turn into a blubbering fool when I look at all your gorgeous pictures! You're getting so big and I can't wait to see you again. I can't believe how much you look like your Daddy and his family!

Joanne I love all the pictures you keep posting! It's so great to see her growing every week. You do ssuch a good job keeping us non-Ottawa residents informed! LOL. I hope all is well with Jeanette - I'll have to email Chad and ask if if she's had the baby yet. I can only imagine how excited Sydney will be! I still can barely believe that you are having another wee one so soon! It's madness! Hopefully it won't be too long before I can see you all again. Take care. :)

Marcy xoxo


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