9 months old and ready to party!
Can you believe that Maggie's 9 months old today?!! It's so hard to believe that 9 months have pasted already...well, when I really think about it, some days (and nights) were pretty long ;'-)
She's not that little tiny baby anymore, she's crawling everywhere, and now pulling herself up on anything that will support her. Her favourite though is mom's legs. She can now play little games of chase around the island in our kitchen and also play peek-a-boo with just about anything that she can pull over her head. We also recently discovered that she bounces to music, especially kiddie music, it's so cute. As well, she waves bye-bye!! I couldn't believe it! It only took a couple of times waving her arm up and down before she starting doing it herself. It's more of a sideways wave, but she only does it when we say "bye-bye". Well, she also did it today when someone said 'Hi', but that's good too.
Here are some recent pictures of the cutie-pie. Enjoy!
The many faces of Maggie-Moo
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