3 months!
Little Miss Maggie is now 3 months old! I can't believe how fast time goes by. I now see a new baby and can't remember Maggie being that small. She's growing so fast now that she's grown out of most of the size 3 month clothes. No need to worry though, she's got a tonne of clothes in the next size. Daddy often looks in her closet and says "B'ye it's shockin' how much clothes that youngster has."
This past week Maggie has had a rough time. She had a virus that started with a runny nose and cough, then moved down into her intestine giving her diarrea. She was pooping every time I fed her. With all that poop, she ended up with a diaper rash and she cried every time we changed her which was quite often. I brought her to the doctor yesterday and she told me that it was just a virus and that if she didn't have a fever or vomiting, she was fine. The virus would just have to run it's course, which could last until next week. However, as of this morning, the pooping has slowed and the diaper rash is almost gone.
Good news, she's smiling lots more and even laughing a bit. She laughs when Daddy makes faces at her. It's so cute! We can't seem to get a picture of her smiling because every time we point the camera at her, she stares at it in amazement. We'll figure out a way to get a picture of that big toothless smile yet!
Here are some pictures from Mommie's little birthday party with Aunt Connie, Uncle John and cousin Xander this past Friday evening.

Maggie, your hair smells so nice!
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