Maggie's growing so quickly now, it's like she's not a baby anymore. Thank god! That newborn stuff is tough!
I guess you could say she's in a routine now; up at 7:00am, breakfast at 8:30, bottle at 10:30, nap at 11:00, lunch at 12:30, bottle at 3:00, nap at 3:30, supper at 5:30 and bedtime at 7:00pm. All the time in between in usually playtime! Oh yeah, she's sleeping though the night pretty regularly now. If she wakes up, it's usually for a quick sip from the bottle and then off to sleep again.
Maggie is also doing well with solid foods; she eats pretty much everything you put to her mouth. I've been making most of her food (e.g., tomato, cheese, cauliflower, carrot and butter puree) and it actually tastes pretty good. I make Chad taste everything I make and he too thinks it's pretty good, for a puree. I'm starting to put things like small pieces of cheese, steamed veggies, or toast on her tray but she mostly just wants to squish it in her hands. She has started knawing at the toast though, which she started after we played a game of her feeding me toast and then herself. As fun as it is, I can't say I'm much of a fan of soggy toast. Ha! But if it helps her learn how to eat herself, I'll do it!
As you can tell from the photos below, Maggie's quite the pleasant little cutie these days. Maybe it's the break in teething, the ability to move around, or the great weather. Whatever it is, we're having lots of fun!

Maggie discovering the dishwasher

There's a little hole in the bottom of the small rubber ducky Maggie's holding and she's trying to get her finger in there.

"Mommy, if you don't stop with Facebook, I'm cutting the wires!"

"Yep, I see the problem now, it's the chassis."

An evening walk with my Dad.

"I'm coming to get you!"

"See you next time"