Little Miss Maggie


Little Miss Maggie is back!

It's been two long weeks without internet access, but now we're back!
The move into the new house seemed somewhat overwhelming at times, like last Tuesday night sitting in what space we had left in the apartment looking up at 47 boxes staring down at us! We couldn't believe the amount of stuff we had jammed in that little 2 bedroom apartment.
The house is now painted right through. Scott, John, Chad and Willie had a painting marathon that first weekend and finished the whole house in roughly 3 days! If you ever need people to paint your house through in a weekend and do a really neat job, call these guys. All they require is a few beer and lots of sandwiches! ;-)
All of our stuff was moved on the 14th and we just finished unpacking the last boxes last night. We got some nice new furiture and accessories and are now starting to feel much more comfortable in the new surroundings. It's slowly becoming home.

For those of you missing the picture updates of the little miss, here are some shots taken over the past two weeks. And by the way, she's now almost crawling and is amazingly clapping her hands on request! I'll try to post some videos soon.

Camping out on a BYO Bed the first night we got the keys.

"I'm such a princess with a clip in my hair"

"Ha! Yeah right!"

"Smile Mommy"

"Thanks Uncle Scott for helping paint our new house!"

"Xander let me go for a spin in his new ride."

"First she makes me eat mushy food and then makes me clean the dishes..."
"Ever tried eating in the buff?! It's great!"
"So many steps... I think I'll just sit here"


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