Maggie seems to have grown dramatically this week both physically and mentally. She's now reaching out and grabbing whatever her hand touches like my shirt, my hair or my glasses.
In these pics she's holding on to her little toy and she ain't letting go!

As I'm feeding her, her little hand doesn't stop reaching up, over, down, until she finds something good to grab on to. Also when she's feeding, she now likes to constantly pull off and look up at me, then go back to the boob, pull off and look at me, then back to the boob. It's really cute when she looks up at me, but not so cute when she exposes me to everyone at the mall! Ha!
Maggie is also starting to notice everything, her eyes don't stop looking around. She loves staring at lights, her toys and people's faces. She'd win any staring contest no problem!
Now when she's in the crib, bathtub or anywhere laying on her back, she kicks and swings her arms and legs like crazy. With all that energy, watch out when she starts crawling and walking!
The most recent thing she's started to do is push her head and shoulders forward as she's sitting. She tightens every muscle, strains and grunts to lift her head forward, then her head becomes too heavy for her and falls forward to her feet (She doesn't like that part too much).
Maggie is now almost 12lbs which is average for her age. However, she's really long (tall) for her age which makes her long and skinny like her dad. Because her torso is so long, her little dresses barely cover her bum! Ha!

To Chad and I, she's growing and changing every day.
Oh, I almost forgot how much she's smiling now! Especially when she first wakes in the morning. It's as if she hasn't seen us for a while and she's super excited to see us. Even after being woken up 4 times throughout the night to feed her, it still makes my heart melt when she smiles at me.
Maggie's also started to make cute little sounds. I guess they call it "cooing". However it sounds nothing like a "coo", it's more like an "awwwoooo" sound. They should call is "awwooing" instead. She also now has different sounding cries, they're not all the all out bawl. Some are just little cries while others are big, loud cries with tears and everything. They are the ones that make your heart beat a little faster. Another new thing she does is cry when she's tired. A few times I picked her up when she was crying, and she went right to sleep in my arms.
It's really amazing how fast everything happens. If you don't pay attention, you just might miss it!
House Update
The date for our move in is still February 23rd and things are actually moving along out in Jackson Trails. We went out to visit our house this past weekend and the roof is now on our house and the shingles are almost finished. Chad seemed to think that they looked rather messy and I would have to agree. But I'm just happy we have shingles!!