A Good Day
Maggie had her first half-day of daycare today and she actually did great. The daycare provider (Marie) said she was very pleasant and only got fussy once when she had to poo, which is normal. She's usually pretty good at playing with other kids, so I didn't think she'd miss me too much. Although when I came to get her, she pulled herself up into my arms and wouldn't let me put her down. It was nice ;-)
I did pretty good too. Having to race out the door without her noticing, rather than the drawn out hugs and kisses good-bye, actually did me good. I hope every day is as good as today, unless my emotions start kicking in and then watch-out!
Today was also a good day for Chad and I because we got to see the new little Lush growing in my belly. That's right, for those of you that didn't already know, I'm pregnant again! It was a bit of a shocker for us, but we've gotten quite used to the idea and are getting more and more excited every day. I'm almost 13 weeks along and am due January 29th.
I'm not so excited about wearing all the maternity clothes again so soon, or the not being able to drink or play soccer, but hey, it's a small sacrifice for another little bambino in our lives.
Here's the very first picture of Maggie's little brother or sister. Notice the laid back position and crossed legs up in the air, this one's like Daddy for sure! Ha!