
Maggie started swimming lessons this past Tuesday with Xander. So far it's alot of draggging her around on her stomach and back and then a few songs with actions in the water. She didn't smile the whole time in the water, but she didn't cry either, so we're going to say she likes it. Maggie put her face in the water a few times while on her belly, but just blinked her eyes a whole lot and coughed a bit. She didn't seem to mind it at all.
Here is a pic of Maggie in her cute new bathing suit which seems to be a bit too big yet.
This is Maggie's new gang of friends. It's hard to believe that she's not much bigger than a stuffed Winnie the Pooh.
Maggie and I went to an Introduction to Solids workshop yesterday and I think this weekend we'll start her on cereal. By the way she watches me eat and the amount she currently drinks, I think she's ready for food, but we'll find out on Saturday.
We're going to get Maggie's second set of immunization shots today. Hopefully she'll be as good as she was last time. And hopefully I'll be as good as I was last time ;-) It's not easy watching the nurse put the long needle into her little pudgy leg. She's going to get lots of extra cuddles today for sure!
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