Here's a video of Maggie in her Jolly Jumper
Here's a video of Maggie in her Jolly Jumper
"Yipee! I can still play in Xander's exersaucer with my dress on!"
Nap #2: All dressed up for an afternoon nap.
"Do you like my dress Nanny Vern gave me for Christmas?"
"You seem to be enjoying that skirt Maggie, could I have a taste?"
"Thanks for the exersaucer Aunt Krista and Uncle Scott, I love it!"
Thanks for the wonderful gifts! We hope you all had a great Christmas.
See you in the new year!
"Okay Xander... if I just stay still nothing bad should happen right?"
"Yeah right, you expect me to jump up and down in this thing?!"
"How about you watch Xander, he's having a great time. I'll just take a seat over there with Mommie"
"Hey, this ain't so bad. I think I kind of like it! Thanks Nanny Gosse"
Maggie certainly loves her Daddy. She smiles every time she sees him. Here's the third visit with Santa. How lucky the kiddies were to get to spend time with Santa and Poppy on Christmas Eve ;-)
Christmas Day
Here are the Daddies and babies at 7:00am on Christmas morning. Both Maggie and Xander were awake and ready to open presents at 6:30.
Daddy read Maggie a book she found in her stocking.
Maggie loved her teething beads that were also in her stocking.
Nanny Vern helped open presents while Xander shook his new shakers.
Presents, presents everywhere!! Let me at them!
"Thanks Aunt Krista and Uncle Scott for the cute hat!"
Here's Maggie lounging and watching some TV. Ha! And yes mom, I know she's too close to the TV!
Maggie's had another couple of firsts this past week. Last week was the first time we put her to bed and she actually fell asleep on her own. It all started one night at about 11:00 when Maggie was on a never-ending nursing binge. She started nursing around 7:00 and would only take short little breaks. We decided that she wasn't really hungry anymore because she also had a bottle around suppertime, so we'd try putting her to bed awake but drowsy. After a rough 20 minutes of whining, she was out! That was it, we were hooked on trying to get her to go to bed on her own from now on. So for the past week she's been falling asleep on her own. It's also been getting progressively earlier. Last night she fell asleep at 7:30 and didn't wake up until 3:00 for a short feed and then back to sleep until 7:30am. Cross you fingers that this behavior will continue!
Last Sunday, we took Maggie swimming for the first time. She didn't cry once, which for us meant that she liked it! To see some pictures of Maggie and Xander in the pool, go to
I took Maggie to get her Christmas pictures done today. I had to wake her up from a nap which I don't think she like too much because she didn't smile for the camera once. Oh well, even without a smile, the pictures are cute.
Here is a pic of her before we left to go to the Superstore.