Maggie's no longer a baby, she's a toddler! Can you believe she's 16 months old?! Daddy and Mommy can't believe how big she is.
She's so much fun and is quite the joker these days. If she gets a laugh for doing something, 9 chances out of 10 she's going to do it over and over again until she's worn out.
As for Christmas, we're pretty sure she has no idea who Santa is or why we get so excited that he's coming in only a few days, but she does say "Anta" excitedly every time she see's some version of him and then rocks back and forth saying "Ho, Ho, Ho". Every now and again she runs to the Christmas tree and points and says "TEE!!" She then takes off the same 4 ornaments and hands them to Mommy and says "Help!"
She's also discovered the Christmas cookie jar. Every time we open it or go to move it, we hear "coo-coo" from down below and see and little hand reaching up just over the edge of the counter. How could you say no?
Here are some pictures of her at a kids Christmas party that our friends organize every year and also some of our first trip ever to get a real Christmas tree.
"You come near me 'Anta' and I'm ripping this bell apart."

"Open it, open it, open it."

Maggie practicing feeding the baby.

"Hey, how's it goin?"

"Ha, ha! Look at the scrawny legs on that guy!"

"Yipee, snow!"

"See ya next year guys"